Developing The Design of Innovative
Teaching Learning Process of Matematics
Education Unit Level Curriculum is an educational curriculum developed by the operational and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards. Preparation of the curriculum by the school started the academic year 2007/2008 with reference to the Content Standard (SI) and the Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) for primary and secondary education as published by the National Education Minister Regulation No. 22 respectively in 2006 and No. 23 of 2006, as well as curriculum development guide released by BSNP. In principle, the curriculum is an integral part of the SI, but the development submitted to the school to fit the needs of the school it self. SBC consists of educational level of the education objectives, structure and level of the education curriculum, education calendar and syllabus. Implementation refers to Permendiknas SBC No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL.
Content standards is the scope of the material and the level of competence as outlined in the graduate competency requirements, competency assessment materials subject competencies, and syllaby learners to be met at certain levels and types of education. Content standards are guide lines for the development level of the education curriculum that includes:
1. basic framework and structure of the curriculum,
2. the burden of learning,
3. level of the education curriculum that was developed at the unit level of education,
4. education calendar.
Competency Standards of Learning from each subject requires no physical and mental interaction between teachers and students. So is the mathematics competency standards. Competency standards created by the education office. Standards of competence and basic competencies and become the foundation for developing subject matter, learning activities, and indicators of achievement of competency for assessment. In designing learning and assessment activities need to consider the Standards Process and Valuation Standards. Competency Standards (SK) is the goal of learning in general. These competencies form the basis of the elaboration of standards of competence. In applying the standards of competence and basic competences needed a design that includes:
1. Contruction
2. Realistic Mathematics
3. Problem based learning
4. Cooperative learning
5. Contextual learning
And it takes some learning mitode ,such inquiry, discussion, investiqah, preatical work, individual, small group discussion. And to prepare the material that is taught should be prepared lesson plans, student work sheets, moduls, text book, handout, text books and teaching aids. And the results of all it includes teacher reject, reject observer, summonies, and next cycle. Indicators, referring to the subject matter.
Part of the curriculum include:
1. content standards
2. Standar of competence
3. Basic of Competence
4. Indicator
5. Objectif
To apply the standard of competence and basic competences required desein which includes contruction, realistic mathematics, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, contextual learning. And some mitode learning, and development of teaching materials using the lesson plan.
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